Michigan Unstoppable Sarcoid Warriors' Walk
Michigan Unstoppable Warriors Sarcoid Walk
Saturday April 21, 2018
10:00 a.m. (Registration at 9:30 a.m.)
University of Michigan Hospital Courtyard
Ann Arbor, MI
More than a walk... It's a movement!
For every patient, family members, friends and doctors who shows or has shown great vigor, courage and aggressiveness in fighting sarcoidosis!
For every person who yet don't know they too may become a warrior in fighting sarcoidosis!
For those with strength and force currently fighting sarcoidosis!
For those with spirit and without fear in fighting sarcoidosis!
I was diagnosed 25 years ago and this walk is to celebrate that sarcoid will not break me! I ask you to join me in walking to celebrate your fight plus the celebration of life ceremony. .
This walk is open to "EVERYONE" who wants to celebrate someone fighting this disease or has fought.
Team Leader: Sheron Williams, FSR Patient Ambassador, ambassadorsheronw@stopsarcoidosis.org, warriorssarcoidSG2015@gmail.com
Contact cell phone number: 313-670-8689 (Call or text)
With any questions about FSR, Team KISS, registration or payment details contact:
Angela Frelander, angela@stopsarcoidosis.org, 312-341-0500
Registrations submitted after March 31st, 2018 are subject to experiencing a delay in receiving t-shirts and may not receive a t-shirt in time for the walk date.
Saturday April 21, 2018
10:00 a.m. (Registration at 9:30 a.m.)
University of Michigan Hospital Courtyard
Ann Arbor, MI
More than a walk... It's a movement!
For every patient, family members, friends and doctors who shows or has shown great vigor, courage and aggressiveness in fighting sarcoidosis!
For every person who yet don't know they too may become a warrior in fighting sarcoidosis!
For those with strength and force currently fighting sarcoidosis!
For those with spirit and without fear in fighting sarcoidosis!
I was diagnosed 25 years ago and this walk is to celebrate that sarcoid will not break me! I ask you to join me in walking to celebrate your fight plus the celebration of life ceremony. .
This walk is open to "EVERYONE" who wants to celebrate someone fighting this disease or has fought.
Team Leader: Sheron Williams, FSR Patient Ambassador, ambassadorsheronw@stopsarcoidosis.org, warriorssarcoidSG2015@gmail.com
Contact cell phone number: 313-670-8689 (Call or text)
With any questions about FSR, Team KISS, registration or payment details contact:
Angela Frelander, angela@stopsarcoidosis.org, 312-341-0500
Registrations submitted after March 31st, 2018 are subject to experiencing a delay in receiving t-shirts and may not receive a t-shirt in time for the walk date.