Top Fundraisers
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FSR wants to make fundraising for Team KISS as easy as possible! We have created several resources to help ensure that your fundraising event is a success, even if you have never fundraised before. Some of those resources include:
Team KISS Fundraising Handbook
Additional Resources for Team KISS Members:
Third Party Event Application
Donor form for auction and raffle items
FSR logo policy
FSR pledge sheet
Sample donation request letter
Materials Request form for brochures and Team KISS wristbands
- Registration & Sign-up Instructions
For additional support, email Angela Frelander at or call 312-341-0503.
Walk Leader Fundraising Resources

To celebrate April, Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, FSR hosts the Official KISS 5K Run/Walk in a new city each year. In 2018, the KISS 5K Run/Walk will take place on Saturday, April 28 in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. View the event calendar for additional details!
While we'd love for everyone to join us in Atlanta, we know not everyone is able to travel. If you still want to be a part of the movement, we hope you'll consider hosting a Team KISS Walk in your own hometown during the month of April. FSR will work with you to make your walk a success and make every step of the way as easy as possible. Once officially registered, walk leaders receive:
- Exclusive Team KISS Walk Leader t-shirt
- Exclusive page for your walk with information and registration on FSR’s website
- Walk Leader Handbook & Tools (e.g. customizable press release, FSR logo, in-kind donation request letter, etc.)
- Guidance from FSR staff in making your event a success
- Customizable flyer for your walk
For additional information, please read our Team KISS Walk Leader FAQs or email
Ready to get started?? Join Team KISS today!